Triz Arte is named after its founder, Thriza Teo, where ‘Triz’ comes in.

Besides simply being a name, Triz, theory of inventive problem solving, is a problem-solving philosophy based on logic, data and research. Triz derived the pattern of innovation through worldwide past knowledge and ingenuity. It allows clear thinking and the generation of innovative ideas.

An international science of creativity, Triz is a pattern of categorising specific problems into a general problem, finding the Triz general solution, then tweaking it to find a specific solution.

Triz and Art combined, form creative solutions in innovative ways that turn problems into art. Every situation has a solution that is specifically tuned to fit the needs, and turn it into beautiful art.

Triz Arte. An interior design firm that will find unique ways and means to solve problems through innovation to form art; with your interior space as the canvas.

Triz Arte designs showrooms and space for residential as well as commercial, office, retail undertakings. Incepted in 2010, the organization endeavors to make the highest use of available technology to ingeniously breathe life to abstract art and architecture.

It boasts of a skilled set of employees having the highest degree of intelligence and ingenuity to execute tasks of such enormity. The ultimate objective is to blur the line between real and unreal. People are drawn towards places which stand out from the crowd and have a surreal ambiance, almost too good to be true.

Triz Arte has been involved in perusal of ventures which focus strongly on art and creativity so that spaces can be created or refurbished in the most appealing manner possible. The organization believes that in order to impress, it is imperative to forge an emotional connect with the person. Hence, the transformation work which it undertakes is carried out with utmost responsibility and after several brainstorming sessions by the best brains in the industry.

Triz Arte has already tasted success and critical acclaim for its exemplary work and pioneering ideas. Awards and recognition from many quarters have fallen onto its lap for its whacky designs which are not merely enticing to the eye but also touch a cord or two with the heart. Triz Arte has drawn inspiration from different spheres of art. Instead of traversing the conventional path, it has dared to walk onto a lane where art has been manifested in its boldest forms. Its ability to convert mediocrity into a distinguished piece of art or architecture has been exceptional and has appealed to the masses.

In the wake of intense global competition in the ongoing industry, it is pertinent to reshape your residential and corporate space in a fresh way so that it is compatible with the needs of the time and is in sync with present-age human emotions. Offering you an assurance of highest quality and a promise of the best prices, Triz Arte awaits your requests and commands to help you build your dream space.

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